Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cycle Chic Sevilla

Follow the green cycle path in Sevilla and you won't go far wrong. On the whole Portugal and Spain are very cycle friendly with dedicated cycle path in most major coastal resorts. Even most of the national roads have a hard shoulder that is the domain of the cyclist with plenty of room. Having said that I did get hit by a cars side mirror when I on route to Porto which left a nasty bruise. But Sevilla is just miles ahead of the game when it comes to cyclist. Most streets have green cycle paths which cars must give way to, except at junctions. I would say that the only way to get around the city is by bike. I toured the city with ease and went to all the places I wanted to with no hassle. So if you are thinking of visiting Sevilla then bring your cycling shoes.

As far as architecture goes I would say that Sevilla is not that far behind to Roma. The Plaza De Espana is amazing and sits in the grounds of the Prague Maria Luisa where you will also find the Plaza de America. Moving on I went to Plaza De Triunto and the Cathedral y Giralda which you could very easily spend and half day. There is lots to see in this wonderfully city and I'm really happy that my mistake took me down the path to Sevilla although unplanned. One other thing about the emerald path city is it women. Chic is alive and kicking in Sevilla and everywhere you look there are amazing women. They really make the effort and I'm not just speak about the supermodel looking girls which are plentifully but women of all ages and sizes. So much so I felt I had to tell you about it, so if your visiting with a husband, boyfriend or any red blooded male give him a break.

My time in this beautiful city has come to end. Where to now the clue is in the photo?

Enjoy the pics

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