I had a great time. Thats what I tell people when they ask about my trip, but to tell you the truth that doesn't come close to describing it. What I can say is that it has left me with a desire to do it again. Maybe not on a bike but to travel and explore the world. I sometimes drift off to a world of open roads and warm sun on my back as my mind plays the trip back like a video.
The feeling of starting your day with only a rough outline of where you're going and with no fixed time frame left me feeling free like I have never felt before. My only regret is that I always felt like I had to be somewhere all the time. This made me feel restless and made me move on to quickly and not fully explore my surroundings. Also this stopped me connecting with people on a deeper level. I would of really liked to connect more with people. This left me a little isolated and lonely at times but on the other hand it did make me more independent and self reliant.
It's left me more confident in my own physical and metal abilities which has helped me develop as a person. It's strange because I always felt a confident person but this journey has changed me. As a write this and think deeper about it, I can say that in my life I have always taken the safer route. A more conservative aprouch to life but my trip has certainly made me more adventurouse. I suppose i could soul search all day long but in the end it left me with this thought. You have one life. Go and live it and take time to enjoy it. Tomorrow is to late.